I just went to check my referring pages, hoping it would be good for a laugh. I saw that a lot of people were coming to my blog to learn about bread baking, which is great because I have a lot to say about baking bread. But then I began to feel guilty. "People come here seeking vegan challah recipes and I haven't made any vegan challah! I'd better make some! Maybe Mollie Katzen's Lemon Sesame Bread recipe from Enchanted Broccoli Forest is already online. That makes a great vegan challah. It would be unethical to type it in here myself, but perhaps someone already has permission. I'd better search for it." Etc.
Getupgrrl I'm not. People in England have bereaved Jewish friends and want to know what to send to their houses to make them feel better. No one is mistakenly looking for sex toys on my blog. Bummer.
In the meantime I'm meant to be editing a book on the history of anti-Semitism. Really, that's my current remunerative project. I feel enlightened and yet somehow it's just not cheerful. Racism is always upsetting and I keep going "Oh yeah, and this is bumming me out because it's directed at me!" Right.