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October 01, 2005



I made your carrot and orange soup for my vegan dinner guests tonight, with great success, they ate it all, even the finicky teenage boy. I also made a version of the thai-ish coconut curry I've had at your house before, with chick peas, tomatoes and I added potatoes and eggplant. A watercress and spinach salad with a lime vinaigrette went along with that. And then for dessert: apple, cherry and ginger crisp with toasted almond and oat topping. So, a mostly you-inspired meal. Anyway, good (carrot soup) recipe. Thanks!


We just made nachos, but you're recipes & enthusiasm for the art of food are so inspiring! I'll be back to visit & glean more deliciousness.
& thanks for linking to my blog! I'll put yours on my roll!


Hey DK, I just wish that was "my" soup! But it is an awesome, totally reliable, perfect recipe.

Soferet, it's very cool to see your comment. A friend of mine emailed your URL to me.

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